Make Your Products Stand Out with TP Product Description in Loop for WooCommerce If you want to make your products stand out in a crowded marketplace, TP Product Description in Loop for WooCommerce is the perfect solution. By showcasing your product descriptions right in the product loop, you can grab your customers' attention and provide them with all the information they need to make a purchase, leading to more sales and revenue for your business.
Responsive Layout.
Disabel / Show on mobile device.
Disabel / Show from Shop page.
Disabel / Show from Related Products.
Disabel / Show from Up Sells.
Show product full / short description.
Custom description: override the default product description.
Limit description length.
Show more in nice tooltip.
Strip HTML tags.
Customize tooltip, color , background , font size and more...
Exclude description from categories.
Exclude description from tags.
Disabel description from specific product.
Select description position in loop.
Custom CSS.
RTL support.
100% mobile friendly
SEO friendly.
Working with Most of Premium themes.